PRE-ORDER Salvage 14: Shrouded in Darkness
Salvage Editorial collective
From Apartheid to Genocide: Perspectives #14
There are times when the necessity to sketch out the conjuncture is a particularly desolating task. This is one such.
Sophie Lewis
Some of my Best Enemies are Feminists
Their feminism(s) and ours. The femonationalist gambit, genocide as affirmative action, and the necessity of enmity.
Jamie Allinson & Sai Englert
The Enemy Trinity
One of our greatest shades acts Virgil to our Dante, leading us through the Middle East Inferno, limning the threats to Palestine and liberation.
Season Butler
Soheir Asaad & Riya al’sanah
Lessons from ’48
Interview. Resistance, repression, and political accommodation between the river and the sea. The view from ’48 Palestine since 7 October.
Arun Kundnani
Policing the Wastelands
Avra margariti
Precious Belongings
The Zetkin Collective
The Great Driving Right Show
In a world suffocating on exhaust fumes, the Right seeks to enlist us in their latest culture war: the scorched earth defense of automobility.
Sadie Lee
Skin Deep
Grace Lavery
Papers Please
What’s in a name? Bureaucratic recognition, biopolitical control, and the aesthetics of trans-citizenship.
Alexander Stoffel
Seductions of the Nation State
Mapping the genocidal fantasies of trans-exclusion onto the national ideal. Wounded attachments and the violent desires they arouse.
Ellen Hawley
Pearl Ahrens
How Accidental is an Accident?
If a cyclist is struck by a car and no one is around to hear, should we care? Shame on you for even asking.
Jesse Meadows
The Cult of the Cold Plunge
On the latest excrescence of the social industry. Recurrence, not disruption. This is old hat, and has its origins in social engineering past.
Avra Margariti
Cronemaidens on the Shelf
Alexander Billet
In and Against the Dream Factory
The work of art in the age of digital reproduction. Class war against the culture industry. Labour in LA continues to rattle its chains.
Devaka Gunawardena
The Extractive Turn
On the crisis of and in neoliberalism in Sri Lanka. The rapacious wing-spreading of the Moloch-State.
Avra Margariti
Girls Are Made Of
Alberto Toscano
Abolition and Communism
Abolitionism may not yet be communism, but any communism worth its name is and always must be abolitionist.