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SALVAGE Issue #2: Awaiting the Furies


The second issue of Salvage, published November 2015. Worldwide postage available. **Free postage to UK**

Delivery usually takes a week in the UK, two weeks in Europe, and can take up to six weeks internationally.

Jord/ana Rosenberg on testosterone farming, Mad Max and the body-snatchers.
Andrea Gibbons on the race-lacuna of the situationists.
China Mieville on social sadism.
Rosie Warren on pessimism.
Richard Seymour interviews Slovenia's United Left.
Kalpana Wilson on Hindutva's homecoming.
Katy Fox-Hodess on trade-union internationalism.
Sai Englert reviews Revolutionary Yiddishland.
Fiction by Nick Mamatas
Sam Kriss reveals what the stars have in store.

With the art of: Joan Banach and Michelle Farran.
With the poetry of: Caitlin Doherty, Rafeef Ziadeh and Franco Fortini.